Hi, I'm


This is

who I am.

I am a CS Major & Math Minor @ GT

Rising sophomore studying CS at Georgia Tech (Sysarch + Intel). Competitive Programming officer, Klaus invader, Panda Express enjoyer.

I am Passionate

... about making projects and building new things. I'm interested in game development and complexity theory, and I love to play Saxophone, Volleyball, and Tennis!

I am a Gamer

Competitive game enthusiast; including but not limited to: League of Legends, TFT, Apex Legends, Valorant, CS:GO.

Here are my


iUtils | WDF, WinUI3, Visual Studio

A Windows Kernel driver + WinUI 3 GUI App that expose and enable hidden but useful iDevice USB interfaces.

Graphscii | NetworkX, Python, React

Python app that utilizes Topology-Shape-Metrics and the Kandinsky model to embed graphs with ASCII characters only.

LoL CD Tracker | C++, ImGUI, ReClass

An external tool for League of Legends developed with ReClass, ImGUI, the Windows API, and reverse engineering techniques.

Landing | Prisma, Next.js, Postgres

Simple full stack todo list app built with Prisma, Next.js, and Postgres. Features OAuth2 Github login and Codeforces integration.

GT Multibooker | FastAPI, React

UI and wrapper utility that allows users to book multiple GT Library rooms at once, built with React, FastAPI, and Postman.

USACO Checklist | FastAPI, SQL

Sophisticated web scraper that pulls problem progress and information from the USACO website, keeping track of and allowing you to share your progress.

Codeforces Debug | C++, Templates

Simple C++ single header debug file that allows for a quick and easy visualization of even the most complex nested data structures.

Garden of Growth | React, Tailwind

My old personal portfolio, featuring a rule based procedural terrain generation algorithm (Wave Function Collapse).

This is my


DMECC | Lead Developer

Coordinated and developed an organization wide volunteer portal assisting tens of volunteers and students.

May 2022 - August 2024

Epoch Tech | English Instructor

Instructed and assisted 25 Chinese workforce professionals with Business english weekly.

June 2021 - September 2021


Contact Me.

About Internship Opportunities

I'm currently looking for an internship to learn more about working in a fast paced, professional environment.

About What I'm Working On

I'd love to tell you about anything I'm currently working on! It gives me purpose to know that what I'm building isn't just for my eyes, only.

About Cool Technologies

Its always more fun building cool things when you use cool tools! It also gives me a lot of inspiration and motivation to keep on building projects.